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Florida Attorney Advertising Rules

Law firms across the state of Florida need a comprehensive digital marketing campaign to make sure their advertising reaches the greatest number of prospective clients.
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Accel Marketing Solutions is committed to ensuring that all of our clients are in compliance with the advertising guidelines set out by the Rules of Professional Conduct in the state of Florida. Contact us today.

Rules Regarding Attorney Advertising

There are a number of different stipulations included in the Florida Lawyers’ Rules of Professional Conduct, which are considered some of the most stringent in the country. An outline of Florida’s rules is as follows:

  • Rule 4-7.13, Objectively Verifiable Claims: This rule applies to all forms of advertisements and prohibits attorneys from making any claims about their legal services that are not “objectively verifiable.” This violation often occurs when displaying past case results, which are often considered misleading.
  • Rule 4-7.14, Communication of Fields of Practice and Specialization: A lawyer must not state or imply that a lawyer is certified as a specialist in a particular field of law unless he or she has been certified as a specialist by an organization approved by an appropriate state authority or that has been accredited by the Florida Bar Board of Legal Specialization & Education or the American Bar Association and the name of the certifying organization is clearly presented in the communication. Terms such as “expert,” “specialize,” or “specialist,” should otherwise be avoided.

Florida Attorney Advertising Disclaimers

The Bar requires all attorney advertisements to include a disclaimer stating the limitations of any claims presented on their website. Typically, disclaimers exist to avoid placing responsibility on the attorney. Below is an example of a disclaimer created by Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. for a law firm located in Florida:

“THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. These materials have been prepared for general informational purposes only and are not intended and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances. Every case is unique. The information contained in this website is not intended to create, and receipt of it does not constitute, a lawyer-client relationship nor is it intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney. Website User should not act upon this information without seeking professional legal counsel. This Law Firm Website is built and managed by Accel Law Firm Marketing.

The use of the Internet or our contact form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through our form.”

Why Florida Law Firms Choose Accel Marketing Solutions

Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. is a marketing company solely dedicated to helping attorneys thrive. We handle every facet of your marketing campaign. When you partner with us, you will receive the following:

Contact Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. today so we can get started.

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