Devils Tower aka Bear Lodge in Crook County Wyoming

Wyoming Attorney Advertising Rules

Today, one of the most lucrative means of advertising for any business is online marketing.
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With the world at our fingertips, we can search for anything we need, including legal services. However, though a digital marketing campaign can drastically expand an attorney’s online presence, their marketing campaign must always ensure they are not violating any of the Bar Rules for Attorney Advertising in the state where they practice. Attorneys in Wyoming are no exception.

When choosing an online marketing company, attorneys must find a team that thoroughly understands the attorney advertising Bar Rules in their state and can write state-specific content for their website. Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. is committed to ensuring all of our clients’ advertising is in compliance with the Bar Rules in their state. Contact us today.

Wyoming Attorney Advertising Disclaimers

The bar requires all Wyoming attorney advertisements to have disclaimers for the limitations of claims on their websites. We understand this at Accel Marketing Solutions. For every website we create, we include disclaimers that ensure our marketing strategies are in line with these rules. Our disclaimer states that readers should not consider the information on the website legal advice and that an attorney-client relationship is not confirmed simply by reading the content or filling out a contact form.

Wyoming Rules For Professional Conduct

All attorneys within the state of Wyoming are required to follow the Rules for Professional Conduct that are established by the bar. Accel Marketing Solutions will ensure that your law firm’s digital marketing campaign will always stay within these guidelines. Important Rules for Professional Conduct to be aware of in Wyoming can include the following:

  • Wyoming attorneys are unable to make inaccurate or misleading claims about themselves or their services (Rule 7.1, Communicating an Attorney’s Services).
  • Attorneys can advertise their legal services through a variety of public media channels. However, they cannot give anything of value to an individual for recommending their services except to pay the reasonable costs of the advertisements. All communication made pursuant to this Rule must include the name and office address of either one lawyer or law firm in charge of the content (7.2, Attorney Advertising)
  • Attorneys cannot use the words “expert,” “specialist,” or any similar phrases unless they earned specialty certifications and meet certain requirements. All communication must include the following language: “The Wyoming State Bar does not certify any lawyer as a specialist or expert. Anyone considering a lawyer should independently investigate the lawyer's credentials and ability, and not rely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise.” In addition to this, all advertisements should contain the attorney name or firm’s address (Rule 7.4, Communication of Fields of Practice).


Accel Marketing Is A Different Marketing Company

Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. is far more than another marketing company. When you partner with Accel, you will receive the following:

  • Modernized web designs that feature your firm’s personality and focus on conversion.
  • Established SEO strategies that help you get found on popular search engines.
  • State-specific educational legal content that converts readers into potential clients.
  • High-quality educational videos to showcase your personality and answer FAQs.
  • Effective Pay-Per-Click and Remarketing campaign management.
  • Reputation management to minimize the impacts of a bad review.
  • 24/7 Live Chat to make instant connections with prospective clients at all times.

If your law firm needs a customized online marketing campaign and an advertising company you can count on, contact Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. today.

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