Mount Rushmore in South Dakota on a sunny day

South Dakota Attorney Advertising Rules

We are now living in the digital age, which means if you are looking to have an edge over all law firms in your field, you need a comprehensive online marketing campaign.
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That’s where we come in. We at Accel will do everything in our power to help ensure you realize success like never before. However, while effective marketing is key, it is just as important to market within the constraints of the law, set out by the South Dakota Bar. Please continue reading and contact Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. today to learn more.

South Dakota Attorney Advertising Disclaimers

Every time we create a website, we ensure that it has attorney advertising disclaimers so readers understand that any information on your website is not to be considered legal advice and that reading such information or filling out a contact form does not establish an attorney-client relationship. This is to prevent potential legal discrepancies down the road.

South Dakota Rules For Professional Conduct

Attorneys in South Dakota must follow the Rules for Professional Conduct implemented by the Bar. Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc., will ensure that your firm’s marketing campaign is always in compliance with these rules. Some of the Rules for Professional Conduct in South Dakota include the following:

  • Rule 7.1, Communicating an Attorney’s Services, states that all communication made by an attorney must be primarily informational, and can never be false or misleading in any way.
  • Rule 7.1, Communicating an Attorney’s Services, also states that attorneys cannot compare their services with other attorneys without substantial evidence to prove their statement true.
  • Rule 7.1 also states that attorneys must not state that they can influence a court/public body or office.
  • Rule 7.2 states that attorneys can advertise legal services through both written, recorded, and electronic communication, including on public media.
  • Attorneys can state whether they do or do not practice certain fields of law, and if they are admitted to engage in patent practice or the Admiralty practice, they may say as much, according to Rule 7.4, Communication of Fields of Practice.
    Rule 7.4 also states that under most circumstances, attorneys may not state that they are a specialist or expert in a certain field of law.


Looking For A Change In Your Marketing? We Can Help.

Every law firm is different, which is why when you partner with Accel, you will receive a marketing campaign that is tailor-fit to your firm’s needs. Our experienced marketing team will provide you with the following:

  • A sleek, one-of-a-kind website that both you and your prospective clients will love.
  • Comprehensive SEO strategies, unmatched by all other marketing companies in the field.
  • State-specific educational legal content because we believe that education is the cornerstone of trust, and building trust between you and your readers drastically increases the chances that they will choose you to represent them.
  • High-quality educational videos featuring you answering some of the most popular questions attorneys in your field are asked by potential clients, all from the comfort of your own office.
  • Effective Pay-Per-Click and Remarketing campaign management.
  • Reputation management to blunt the impact a poor review may have on your firm’s good name.
  • 24/7 Live Chat to make instant connections with prospective clients at all times. With 24/7 live chat, you will never miss a call or a client again.
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