Duke University in Durham, North Carolina on a cold spring morning

North Carolina Attorney Advertising Rules

Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. has provided law firms around the country with a revolutionary approach to presenting their brand, and we know we have what it takes to do the same for you.
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Our program is intensive and covers every single aspect of digital marketing. However, an attorney cannot have a comprehensive marketing campaign unless his or her marketing company fully understands, and follows, all rules regarding attorney advertising set out by the Bar in North Carolina. Our job is to ensure your law firm reaches its fullest potential, all while acting in accordance with those rules to ensure there are no potential legal hiccups to hold you back. Contact Accel Marketing Solutions to learn more about what we can do to maximize your firm's potential. Here are some of the measures that Accel Marketing Solutions will take to ensure your firm is protected:

North Carolina Attorney Advertising Disclaimers

Every attorney needs a marketing company that can craft a simple, yet effective disclaimer so your firm does not face any unwarranted legal issues. Our attorney advertising disclaimers basically state that the content on your website does not constitute formal legal advice, and that reading such content or filling out a contact form does not establish an attorney-client relationship.

North Carolina Rules For Professional Conduct

Some of the Rules for Professional Conduct regarding attorney advertising in North Carolina, of which we will always abide by, are as follows:

  • Rule 7.1, Communicating an Attorney’s Services, states that attorneys in North Carolina are prohibited from making false, untrue, or misleading statements. An example of a misleading statement is one that is not an outright lie, yet it omits a fact that would otherwise make the statement untrue.
  • Rule 7.2, Advertising, states that law firms in North Carolina can advertise their services through written, recorded, or electronic communication. That being said, when putting out these advertisements, they must include the name and office address of at least one attorney or law firm that is responsible for its content.
  • According to Rule 7.4, Communication of Fields of Practice and Specialization, attorneys in North Carolina can state whether they practice certain fields of law, though they cannot state they are a specialist unless the certification was granted by the North Carolina State Bar, or they meet other very specific qualifications.

 North Carolina Law Firms Work With Accel Marketing Solutions

When you partner with Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc., you will receive a one-of-a-kind, battle-tested approach to digital marketing. Our program produces tangible results, in large part because we take a multi-faceted, all-encompassing approach. Below is a list of just some of the services that our team will provide:

  • Outstanding website designs made to catch the eye of anyone seeking legal assistance in your area.
  • Advanced SEO strategies designed to help your firm rank on the most popular search engines. You need a marketing company that is constantly on top of the ever-changing algorithms associated with these search engines--that's Accel.
  • State-specific educational legal content crafted solely for clients facing very specific, complex legal issues in North Carolina.
  • We will meet you at a place of your choosing and create high-quality, educational videos featuring your legal knowledge regarding some of the most commonly-asked questions of attorneys in your field. This boosts online recognition, as well as demonstrates to clients that you are the best attorney for them.
  • We employ effective Pay-Per-Click and Remarketing campaign management and strategies.
  • We have several critical reputation management tools, designed to mitigate the impact of any unwarranted poor review your firm may receive.
  • Accel uses 24/7 Live Chat to help ensure that you never miss a client or a call again.

Our results speak for themselves. Contact Accel Marketing Solutions, Inc. today so we can help you along the road to success.

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